Micro Galleries
Changing the World...in small and creative ways.
We've landed on the Museum For The U.N Culture for Impact 2024 List!
Our initiative, The Good Lab, has been named by The Museum For The U.N as one of the top 10 initiatives shaking things up and proving that creativity isn’t just for galleries—it’s for changing the freakin’ world. 🌍💥
About Us
A global team of artists, creatives and imagineers who dream up small-scale, innovative and creative solutions or experiences to local and global issues.

We are a socially conscious global arts initiative that uses art as a vehicle to generate solutions-based, visionary change in communities.

We do this through dynamic interventions in public and virtual spaces, workshops, art tours, symposiums, creative residencies - or simply through bringing our artists' inventions and work into your lives to make them a little better and a lot brighter.

Micro Actions for Macro Punch
We know how to do this, and a just a little bit good at it.
  • 38 Global Initiatives Across over 30 Countries
  • 12 years - We kicked off in 2013!
  • 2.2M+ Participants, On and
    Offline Engagements
2025-2026 Program
Thresholds: Creating at the Edge of Change
In this moment of profound global transition, we find ourselves collectively poised at multiple thresholds. We are oscillating between crisis and transformation, between what was and what could be. It is here in this terrifying and tantalising liminal space that Micro Galleries positions its 2025-2026 program.

At this pivotal moment, we propose creating a "third ground" - a space that exists between established structures, functioning as both metaphor and method; a shadow-government of creatives. Like a parallel creative force, we draw inspiration from scientific understanding of threshold events, where small changes in complex systems can trigger dramatic transformations. This is precisely the potential we seek to activate.

Urban theory speaks of the right to the city as not merely access to what exists, but the right to change it. In this spirit, we will cultivate on and offline spaces and opportunities where art becomes a vehicle for collective reimagining and social transformation.

"Thresholds: Creating at the Edge of Change" embraces art's unique capacity to illuminate pivotal moments and third spaces, and imagine alternative futures: where normal social structures dissolve and new possibilities emerge.

Through three interconnected themes – "Crossing Boundaries," "Points of No Return," and "Emergent Futures" – we examine how art can serve as both witness and catalyst at these crucial junctures, documenting our present while actively shaping our future.

Full program released on 24 February.

Educating and Intervening

Climate tipping points
Urgent and time-bound
Documenting critical moments
Qualitative data
Local manifestations

Global Day of Creative Action

Blueprints for a better future

Future visions
New media for imagining
Temporary future spaces
Future-oriented global communities
New models
New networks

Project / Forward: 2049
Scaled Spaces
Disrupting Boundaries
Points of Return
Emergent Futures

Our Key Programs

Breaking Barriers

Traditional x Unexpected spaces
High Art x Street Art
Artist x Community
Breaking gender barriers
Individual x Collective
Local x Global

Women on the Wall
MG Live

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