Creative Uprising: Art in the Face of Climate Crisis
Here's the thing about climate change: it's not just melting ice caps and rising seas – it's a crisis of how we see, think, and imagine our world. And while the suits are sitting in their conference rooms debating policies, we're sitting at the threshold, taking action in the most powerful way we know how: through art.

Welcome to the Global Day of Creative Action by Micro Galleries – a 24-hour worldwide creative uprising where artists and communities create locally-relevant climate crisis artworks, all on a single day.

Sure, you've heard about those massive art installations outside UN Climate Change Conferences in places like Dubai and Paris. They're spectacular, but let's be real – not everyone can jet off to these global hotspots or even access them online. More importantly, these works often miss the mark on how climate change affects your neighbourhood, your community, your daily life.

That's exactly why we're flipping the script. This isn't about waiting for big-name artists to tell our stories. The Global Day of Creative Action throws open the doors to everyone – artists, activists, communities, you – to create art that speaks to your local climate reality.

Picture this: For 24 hours, across every time zone, art emerges that tells the story of climate change through your eyes. A mural in Mumbai. A performance piece in Peru. An installation in Ireland. Each work is a powerful local voice in a global chorus, showing how climate disruption affects real people in real places.

When we weave these creative responses together, something extraordinary happens. We create a worldwide tapestry of climate stories – raw, relevant, and impossible to ignore. It's not just art; it's a global statement about our shared struggle and our collective power to face it.

This isn't just another climate project. It's a creative revolution, and it's happening in your backyard.

Want to be part of this global creative uprising? The canvas is yours.
Environmentalists are good at bar graphs and statistical tables--and those certainly prove the ever-growing danger of the climate crisis. But that's only half of the human brain--we also need art and music to reach our more visceral core. That's why this new initiative from Micro Galleries is so vital!
— Bill McKibben, environmentalist, author, and journalist.

2 global events

158 artworks

34 Countries

1.5M eyeballs

The Global Day of Creative Action 2025 will be on
Saturday 15 November
Creative Uprising: Art in the Face of Climate Crisis
Who is the GDCA For? How Can I Be Involved?
This is a free public art movement for everyone.
  • Artists and Creatives of ALL Practices
    The work can be ANYTHING: mural, performance, installation, a reading, a poster, projection mapping, music – anything you want to contribute that creates positive input - for you, your community, and the global community. The only requirement? It must be public and free.
  • Not a Professional Artist ? Not a Problem.
    Creatively-minded community members are welcome to sign up! Again, any creative contribution to educating and solving the climate crisis is welcome. The only requirement? It must be public and free.
  • Want To Contribute But Don't Have an Idea? We've Got You!
    A Micro Galleries artist will create an open-source, simple but powerful public installation with a "how to" pack that you can easily present, so anyone can be an artist! Just sign up, download all the information, and see the video installation guide.
  • You Have A Space You Want To Make Available?
    OK, so you're not creative but you have a wall, a corner, a space, a corner pocket of grass you want to make available? BRILLIANT! Register your space and we will collate a list for the public.
  • I Have No Time But I Have $$
    We would love to sponsor more artists and groups from under-resourced communities to be involved. If you have money you would like to contribute and make this happen, let us know.
How it works
August: Creative Response Callout
We conduct an active open-call for participants to register their location, and intended creative response
August - October: Plan, Design, Prepare
Participants lodge details of their work; MG provides supporting tools such as media kits, how-to guides, documentation guides and planning guides.
October - November: Shout About It
All registered participants and public spaces for the Day are promoted and mapped, accessible to the public.
15 November: 24 Hours of Artworks
From Fiji to Hawaii, participants install/present/perform their works, MG features every work online as it's happening and collects the documentation.
December: Documentation and Mapping
MG collects and collates all the documentation for online exhibitions, documentaries, features, as well as digital mapping of the works, and climate impacts being focused on.
December - January: Virtual Forum
Participants are invited to join an online forum to unpack the works, their impact, community response, and plans for the future.
But Why?
Listen up, because here's the no-BS truth about why your art matters more than ever:

Climate change isn't some far-off problem lurking in the distance – it's here, kicking down our doors and ransacking our lives. It's emptying our wallets today and planning to raid our savings tomorrow. But here's the plot twist that changes everything: we've got solutions right now, solutions that won't break the bank and could catapult us into a future that doesn't look like a disaster movie.

The science is crystal clear: if we get our act together NOW, we can slash carbon emissions in the next 12 years and keep global temperatures from spiralling out of control. We're talking about keeping that temperature rise under 2°C – or even better, 1.5°C if we really hustle.

We've got the Paris Agreement – this brilliant blueprint for saving our collective butts from climate chaos. And while America's withdrawal shook things up (insert eye roll here), it also sparked something incredible: cities, states, businesses, and citizens worldwide stepped up to fill the leadership void. Because here's the thing – this agreement? It's just expensive paper unless we actually DO something with it.

And that's where YOU come in, creative rebel. Your art? It's not just art. It's action. It's resistance. It's your way of grabbing the climate crisis by the collar and saying, "Not on my watch." When politicians step back, artists step up.
When you create for the Global Day of Creative Action, you're not just making pretty pictures – you're part of a worldwide creative army fighting for our future. You're joining a global movement that proves we don't need permission from governments to take action.

Trust me, we need your voice in this fight now more than ever.

Your turn to make some noise. What will you create?
Climate disruption art makes the biggest threat to our existence a cultural reality and provides a way for us to include the voices of the most vulnerable communities around the world.
— Kat Roma Greer
We've had two iterations of the program.
GDCA // 2019

On 21 September, during the 2019 U.N Youth and the U.N Climate Action Summit, Micro Galleries instigated our first Global Day of Creative Action.

To our shock, amazement and excitement, over 90 works across 27 different countries/states around the world generated new creative expression of, and innovative solutions to the climate crisis. It had an online reach of 190,000 people who engaged directly with the content, over 300 people helped create the works, over 5,000 people saw, participated, asked questions of the works from around the world. Yep. Nearly 200,000 people directly connected with this concept in one form or another.

This project was supported by The Ministry of Culture, Peru, and Jason Stephenson.

A full 5-part micro docu-series on the project and outcomes
GDCA / 2021
6 November, 2021

Our second iteration in 2021. This one had a twist as we were mid-COVID so we exoanded how you could participate.

1. Create a public creative response
2. Register to install our open-source project
3. If in rigid lockdown or due to COVID-safety, digital responses can be submitted this year AND and we even had a team standing by to help make these where needed

Wrap Reel
We're so excited!