The Guerilla Kit

Climate Disruption Edition
Earth day - 20 April, 2024
Launching Jan 15, 2024
What's this all about, then?
Do you have an artwork that explores climate change, climate disruption or climate injustice? Is it solutions-focused / forward-looking / visionary in some way?

On 15 January, we will open applications for Micro Galleries' latest initiative: MG Guerrilla Gallery Kit. We are calling out for 100 artworks that will be printed and circulated to five unique locations around the world where they will be wheat-pasted up into reclaimed public space as free open-air galleries for communities.

To submit a work you will need provide the title, description of the work, link to a High Res image of the work and a little bit of information about yourself including your name (or moniker), location, brief bio and links so people can follow you or see more of your work. The works will be displayed at five locations around the world, and online on Micro Galleries website and social media platforms.

Be A Creative Change-Maker
For the price of a coffee, you can insert that ol' coin into the bubblegum machine of creative chewiness, and help a delicious bit of creativity fall into some much needed hands. Actively be a creative change-maker and help bring about the creative injections that we all want to see throughout the realm!