a collaborative public art initiative


Her story. Our Streets.
The Women on the Wall program gathers together women-identifying artists and community members from diverse cultures, religion, spaces and places for discussion, exchange, collaboration and creation to give presence and voice to a shared message about women’s lived experience.

It is a collaborative experience via several workshops to explore and discuss local issues for local women, and how these resonate out on a global platform. The creative responses from the workshops form the basis of a new public art work exploring the ideas and realities of what it is to be a woman in this community.

Artist facilitators collect creative responses from the workshops and collate a collective mural draft. The program culminates in a live five-hour event with live painting of the mural with all artists and women-identifying community members, and a program of live music by local women-identifying musicians.

The mural and its message remain as a legacy for the community.

This initiative was originally inspired by the exceptional Ladies On Wall collective.

3 global events

27 artists

280 community


200K eyeballs

Key Elements

Artistic Collaboration:

Partner with local and international women-identifying artists to create public artworks that reflect the stories and experiences of women in various communities

Community Connection and Placemaking:

Authentically connect artists and community together to knowledge-share and build understanding, solutions, place, and new artworks, together

Digital Presence:

Develop a robust online platform showcasing the murals, community, artists, and the stories behind them all, reaching a global audience

How it works
Identify a Community
Either via invite or through identifying and approaching, Micro Galleries will forge a connection with an under-resourced section of the community and partner with a women's group or organisation there.
Discussion and Connection
A series of 1-2 gatherings, facilitated by a local partner creative or organisation, is coordinated with local women or a local women’s organisation in the community. These gentle, open and inclusive discussions are aimed at discussing what we as women experience and share together, and what concerns and challenges are locally occurring and can be explored.
Creation and Expression
At the final gathering, the women are asked to create a form of expression to reflect the challenge, their hopes, ideas, dreams and solutions. This can be in any form that they want – from images, symbols, colours, text, statements, recorded thoughts, traditional songs – anything they choose to contribute.

Select the Site
Together with our partner, we source a public, interesting, important, underutilised wall to feature the work.
Draft The Work
Micro Galleries collects these images and two appointed lead creatives collate them into a cohesive mural sketch that is presented and approved by a representative from the women’s group. This draft mural is sketched onto a sourced and pre-approved wall that is easily accessible to the whole community.
Micro Galleries, along with the local community partner, curate a day of women-led live music and creative expression and other (optional) activities such as workshops, talks, panels, markets.

Paint Live!
All of the women who participated in the workshops, the women living in the community and women-identifying artists gather for a day of live painting, accompanied by the live music, workshops etc. The day takes on a festive atmosphere with the whole community invited to watch and enjoy.

Document and Map
The work is documented and amplified globally via digital platforms, as well as womens stories and lived experience, mapped.
Creative Leadership Team
  • Kat Roma Greer
    Artistic Director, Micro Galleries
    Creative Producer, Women on the Wall

    Kat is a curator of public art interventions and community engagements; guerrilla creative business consultant for women.
  • Sarah Sculley
    Artistic Director, Women on the Wall

    Sarah is an urban artist and cultural leader who creates stencil works with a kick of colour and energy. Inspired by the female form, typography and colour, Sarah mixes these elements to create her work on canvas, paper, surfboards, walls and more.

Amplification and Recognition
Amplifies the voices and stories of women from diverse backgrounds and publicly validates women's experiences - offering visibility, acknowledgment, and the potential for change.
Community Connection and Placemaking
Fosters community connections through collaborative art, enhancing cultural identity, pride and newly forged space and place.
Social and Cultural Awareness
Raises awareness about gender equality and women-specific challenges, stimulating conversations, support and seeds new solutions.
Artistic and Cultural Exchange
Promotes cultural exchange and collaboration, highlighting universal women's experiences whilst respecting differences.
Educational Impact
Offers resources, workshops and discussions, fostering learning, critical thinking, and advocacy for gender equality.
Lasting Legacy
Creates lasting murals that are visible to the community, daily, with powerful messages, inspiring ongoing recognition of women's contributions and the need for change.
Digital Reach and Global Impact
Archives and amplifies stories, creating a global resource and map for women's issues and celebrations.
We've had three iterations of the program in three different countries.
The flagship event in partner with Ladies on Wall, Master Peace, and the local kampung community. The mural explored women’s rights and the fear many women have for the future of their daughters. This event was sponsored by Dulux.
WOTW, Jakarta
WOTW, Brisbane
In partnership with the Australian Embassy, Jakarta and Brisbane Street Art Festival, this program involved a creative exchange with representatives from Ladies on Wall in Jakarta connecting and collaborating with women street artists form Brisbane Street Art Festival to create a new cultural exchange pathway and mural

Celebrating the role of water in women’s lives – as a life-giving force and a disastrous, laborious burden for women in a city of draught, the Micro Galleries International Artist Collective partnered with Kaalo 101 in Nepal and the local women’s organisations in Patan.
WOTW, Kathmandu
How to Have Women on the Wall in Your Community
Partner with Us
Are you a representative from a women's organisation or a creative community? Reach out - we can potentially partner and make this happen, together.
Commission Us
Are you with a company or business that wants to elevate the stories of women in communities you work, or the women you work with? Reach out and we can create a bespoke program with you.
Fund Us
Like the concept, have access to resources, and want to help us amplify it across the world? Let us know - we have a rather macro plan for this.
Were so excited!